Settling Procedures

At Little Treasures Nursery, we prioritize a gradual settling-in approach designed to support children in acclimating to their new surroundings with ease. Our recommended settling process consists of three sessions, each incrementally longer in duration to promote a smooth transition. Initially, the settling sessions are 2 hours in length, progressively extending with each subsequent visit until reaching a final 6-hour settle. Flexibility is key, as we tailor the duration of each settle to meet the unique requirements of every child. During these settling sessions, parents are kindly asked not to remain with their children, enabling the little ones to independently explore the nursery environment, interact with our caring staff, and become accustomed to the daily routine. To foster a sense of security and comfort during this adjustment period, we encourage children to bring a familiar item from home, be it a pacifier, a beloved blanket, or a favorite toy.